Sewe beginsels vir sukses met 'n skoollosse leefwyse
Voor ek met ʼn huwelik en kinders geseën is, het ek as ʼn kinderterapeut, sielkundige en onderwyser gewerk. My ervaringe as terapeut en...

Die euwel van Boelie-gedrag onder skoolkinders
In my konsultasies met kinders en ouers van die omgewing het dit onder my aandag gekom dat boeliegedrag in skole toenemend ‘n baie...

Why music education should be essential for every young child before the age of 7.
In our educational system music is seen as an extra-curricular activity, one of many others, that can only be attempted by the smart and...

Die “Wat – as?” Wurm: Kinderstorie om vrese en onsekerhede aan te spreek
Nellie woon saam met haar pappa en mamma en baba boetie in ʼn huis in die stad. Sy hou van speel en lag, maar soms kom pla die “Wat –as?”...

Why the introduction of solid textured foods is important to your baby.
I would like to share a few ideas and facts on the importance of introducing textured foods to your baby's diet and speech development....

Kinderstorie vir kleuters om boelie-gedrag aan te spreek.
Hasie Wikkelstert Hasie wikkelstert is ‘n vrolike, opgeruimde hasie en sy stertjie wikkel aanmekaar. Hy woon saam met pappa en mamma haas...

The importance of fostering emotional intelligence in children.
In consultations with children and their families it has come under my attention that bullying or peer victimization is a very real and...

Wat om nooit vir jou kleuter te sê nie en hoekom nie.
Moet nooit stilletjies verdwyn sonder om vir jou kleuter voor te berei op jou afwesigheid nie. Alle kinders ervaar skeidingsangs op...

Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD); the flip side of stimulant medication
As a clinical psychologist, child therapist, integrated learning practitioner and a mother I am persuaded that parents need to be able to...