Playing a musical instrument is like a full work-out for your brain
I am wife to my courageous and adventurous husband and homeschooling mother to an almost 6 year old toothless grinning girl who plays the violin and a whirlwind 3 year old son who believes he can fix anything!
I am also a child therapist who is passionate about children and their healthy development. My special interest is neuro-development, that is brain and nervous system development in children. I help children to become learning ready with fun filled movement activities that are home based.
As a musician I believe that music is a wonderful brain developing activity. I facilitate a toddler music group once a week, called Toddler Bells or Kleuter-klokkies.
I firmly believe in the power of good stories to heal, develop and entertain. So there will be space dedicated on my blog on children's story products and how to order directly from me.
Lastly but most importantly I am a child of God who desire to please my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ in everything I do.